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2025-3-7 Friday

Shenzhen's Chiwan terminal up 32.7pc in first nine months -海联通(厦门)货运代理有限公司 E-TRANS LOGISTICS CO.LTD. 诚信 专业 高效 共荣业界新闻

Shenzhen's Chiwan terminal up 32.7pc in first nine months [2010-11-22]

Shenzhen's Chiwan terminal up 32.7pc in first nine months 
DESPITE reports of lacklustre volume globally throughput during September at the Shenzhen port's Chiwan container terminal rose by 13.5 per cent to 352,000 TEU with an overall 32.7 per cent year-on-year increase to 4.6 million TEU in the first nine months of the year. 
The spike was attributed to the terminal's expansion of international services and its focus on rail links, barge services and networks to container depots to pull in cargo from China's interior to the second largest port in the country and fourth globally.