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2025-1-18 Saturday

President Kang Xuezeng of Zhenhua Heavy Industry and His Delegations Paid a Visit -海联通(厦门)货运代理有限公司 E-TRANS LOGISTICS CO.LTD. 诚信 专业 高效 共荣业界新闻

President Kang Xuezeng of Zhenhua Heavy Industry and His Delegations Paid a Visit [2010-11-22]

President Kang Xuezeng of Zhenhua Heavy Industry and His Delegations Paid a Visit


President Li Shaode and President Kang Xuezeng (right) Presented Souvenir to Each Other

On May 12th, 2010, President Li Shaode had a cordial talk with President Kang Xuezeng of Zhenhua Heavy Industry and his delegations in the Group’s headquarters and exchanged opinions in respect of the issues jointly concerned.
Relevant responsible persons of the Group’s president office, CSCL and China Shipping Industry attended the meeting.